Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Every little bit helps...

Today's skill only vaguely counts because I had an actual skill but I forgot what it was.

At work I discovered that my team is going to be moving again! We got to pick which seats we wanted (though that may change) and since I'm not going to be there for the next two days, I had to pack my desk tonight.

For the first time in the history of desk moving at My Job, I was able to fit my entire desk into one box.

Nevermind the fact that this box used to contain a two drawer file cabinet... I packed my desk in a little over 30 minutes.

Unfortunately, I will have to go back to work tomorrow to retrieve the wall adapter for my Zune (and the cord that allows me to upload music) because I neglected to pack that into my box. I must remove the evidence before someone notices, since we aren't supposed to have things plugged into the outlets anyway.

Enough about work, let's talk about me.

My skill may have involved sticking to the cigarette goal for the day (I'm making an attempt at trying to quit) or it could have been completely unrelated... It might have involved something I did when filling my gas tank, or something I did on my lunch break.

It could have been the way I controlled the urge to hit someone at work, or the urge to disconnect a call when someone was talking down to me (Me, the person they called for help because they can't figure out how to do on their own...)

It may have been me finding a way to get out of something I didn't want to do, or thinking of a way that I might be able to do something that I thought I wouldn't be able to do...

Or I may have imagined it.

I took some bad news with a grain of salt, helped some people out of seemingly hopeless situations, reminded everyone that I am 100% batshit crazy, and had a glass of wine before bed. All in all, I think it was a successful day.


charlotte said...

Enjoying your blog. Sounds like a successful day to me.

7daytrial said...

I'm glad that you like it! Thank you so much for leaving a comment :)