Monday, January 5, 2009


Apparently several of my posts have somehow not made it to the blog. I'm not really sure what happened, but I hope that it's been fixed.

Pregnancy is supposed to be a beautiful and miraculous thing-- a time for joy and appreciation of the amazing journey that lies ahead.

Well, sometimes it's not near as magical as it should be. I am super excited to be a mom, but right now everything is pissing me off. Currently I am sick of the following:

My Job
Noisy People
Our Upstairs and Downstairs Neighbors
Our Roommate Not Paying Rent on Time
My Lack of Higher Education
Living in an Apartment
My Root Canal
The Second Root Canal That Needs to be Done
The Apartment Being a Mess
Our Cat
Our Apartment Complex
Smoking (side note: The doc has advised that I do not quit just yet, so don't judge me. I don't want 20 emails about how smoking is bad for my fetus)
Nothing Good on T.V.
Money in General
Helpless People
Other People's Children

I know it doesn't seem like it, but that's actually a pretty short list considering that I'm angry 80% of my day.

I love the company I work for, but I seriously hate my job. Well, I like parts of my job, but any time I have to answer the phones and deal with people who seem completely helpless, it just pisses me off to the point that I can't even want to help them.

Right now, I do not plan to go back to work once the baby is born. I know that we will have to make a lot of lifestyle changes if this is going to happen, and I'm not sure how well we will be able to cope with it.

My biggest concern is getting the rest of our bills paid off before July. I have no idea how this is going to work. It has to... and I have to get a lot of money into our savings account, but I really don''t know where it' going to come from.

I hate to cut this short, but I just got a call from the clinic with some very scary news about my pap smear.

After I calm down and do a little research, I'll get back to you with the result.

For now, stare a my baby and my engorged uterus!


Anonymous said...

awww. what an adorable uterus you have! Oh, flipper looks cute too.

Anonymous said...

Also, are you really angry 80% of the time? And if The Roommate is not paying rent you should sent him home, we miss him.

7daytrial said...

Well, maybe not 80% of the time anymore, but quite often (especially at work).

Hopefully, it'll go away soon.

The Roommate is paying rent, he's just having some trouble getting it all together on time, so we're going to try and work out a budget with him. Otherwise... you won't have to miss him anymore!