Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Self control? What's that?

Lately, I have been too ill to take my prenatal vitamins. Yes, I know what a terrible person I am, and I realize that my baby is now going to be born with a tail, but I couldn't help it.

When I don't take my vitamin, my cravings are so much more healthy! Last night, I was craving grapes (hardcore) and assorted other fruits, along with juice and milk.

I also ate an entire can of bean dip.

It was an act of war. Nothing was left, not even in the crevices. Now, I know what you're thinking. I did not eat said can of bean dip in one sitting, that would have been insane. I spread it out over several hours. Part of me was stress eating, part of me is 3 months pregnant... do not judge me!

Today, I was able to take my vitamin. What have I eaten, you ask? ( and if you didn't, I asked for you...)

So far, I have had a ham and cheddar hot pocket and half a box of Tomato & Basil Wheat Thins. They taste like the old Keebler pizza crackers, so I love them. A little too much.

The only real downside is that I'm now getting horrible gas from the combination of foods that I've been devouring at an alarming rate. Last night, we were at the grocery store... I was going to say something to My Husband... I opened my mouth, and instead of words, out came this colossal burp. At the end of the aisle, a couple looked at me in horror. My face turned bright red and I apologized while My Husband stood there laughing. Then I realized, I could have blamed it on him and no one would have ever known.

Anyway, my point was that taking vitamins, while giving your body many of the things it needs most, also kind of encourages poor eating habits. Basically, you can take a vitamin and eat some cardboard, and your body has no idea. Since you're actually getting the vitamins you need, you won't crave the foods that can provide them. It's a vicious circle and I'm starting to think that it's a government conspiracy-- just another way that The Man keeps us down.

Wait, aren't I The Man? How does that work? I'm confused... Oh look! Wheat Thins!


Anonymous said...

my (unsolicited)advice: take them before bed and never with anything citrusy or bubbly because then they dissolve faster and will make you (me) puke. You are past your 12th week right? The crucial time for taking them is over anyway, but they still help once you start bfing. I once ate a two pound of baby carrots while sitting at my desk at work in one afternoon. Oh, and The Son and I can kill a can of bean dip in one sitting now.

7daytrial said...

I'm 13 and change, so hopefully it will be fine for now :D

Thanks for easing my mind about it a little bit, I was really getting concerned because I feel funny. Like... my head is uncomfortable. It's hard to describe...