Tuesday, January 13, 2009


After that last editorial, I thought I would add something a little lighter.

I see myself as a typical American and, thus, probably have one of the worst diets known to man. Most of my food is prepackaged and can be prepared in as little as 5 minutes.

My mom wants me to get a baby food grinder.

Hey mom, have you met me? Your daughter? I can cook, I just don't. None of us eat at the same time, I hate to waste food, and I don't like to do dishes. Why on earth do you think I can make my own baby food?

I know, I know, it's so much less expensive to actually make your food. What if no one eats it? I made an awesome Thanksgiving dinner and we threw away half of a turkey. It was a damn good turkey too! And it was FREE! You remember, that turkey we fought for? Yeah... we had to throw it out.

While we were spending more money on food, we let something completely rot in our fridge. Almost any time we have leftovers, they don't get eaten. I have tried giving our leftovers to our neighbors, but as her husband (yeah, the asshole) said "Even we aren't that desperate."

Really, ass? Remember when you asked me for our questionable lunchmeat? Weren't too proud then, were ya.


I can't even figure out what three grown people want to eat, how am I going to know if the baby is in the mood for pureed carrots? Ugh... I'll give it a shot, but if the baby starts sending it's orders back or asks for substitutions, it's over.

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