Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm Back!

Hey, Wow, Guess what? I've neglected my blog for so long that I probably don't have any readers anymore.

But that's okay. It's not about comments, it's about expression. Right?

So anyway, since April I have 1) Gone 'home' for 2 months, 2) found out that we will probably be moving just after Christmas, 3) torn a muscle in my back leaving me in the hospital two days before my daughter's 1st birthday (fitting, no?) and generally done awesome things with awesome people.

Presently, my daughter has an ear infection, my husband just had knee surgery, I am sick, and we're all cooped up in a very messy house (My standing rule is, if I have a fever I don't clean. It just isn't fair to be sick and do housework.)

Interestingly enough, I couldn't really get out of the house even if I wanted to since... Well, my husband and I accidentally threw my wallet away last week. In said wallet was my debit card, military id, $140 cash and a very special pin of my Mammaw's (who passed in February)

Currently, that wallet has been crushed into oblivion and buried under 5 inches of dirt at the Mesilla Valley Disposal landfill in Las Cruces, NM.

Very. Expensive. Mistake.

But we are moving on.

My husband and I are starting college again, I'm still running my Avon business, and Alyssa is just as active as ever.

If you are still reading, say hey and let me know. I promise I won't wait another 6 months to respond.


Crystal said...

I've been checking in periodically and am glad to see you're finally back!

Anonymous said...

Hi hi hi! I'm still reading!

7daytrial said...