Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The hits just keep on coming.

So, my husband had knee surgery last week, all three of us have whatever bug is in fashion this season (Respiratory crap, thank goodness. Last time we got the tummy bug... not fun.) and our computers keep glitching out in the middle of our assignents.

If life were simple and easy, I would have never developed a sense of humor. As it is, my husband, myself, and even our little critter are all shaping up to be world famous comedians.

Since we've all been stuck in the house together, I have heard more laughter.

Alyssa's new favorite word is "chihuahua". I don't think she knows what a chihuahua is, but it makes me laugh every time she says it. She blows kisses to people at inappropriate times (like when the doctor was asking my husband about his symptoms... she's such a flirt!) and refuses to wear her clothing correctly.

My husband has been medicated, which always adds to the hilarity, and I have been feeling rather yucky so just about anything will make me laugh.

If someone walked into our house they would probably assume that there was a gas leak or we'd been pumping laughing gas through the heater and we would all be committed. So heed my words, STAY AWAY!

We want to keep our germs and our insanity to ourselves. Though once we are well, I will be glad to share some fresh baked cookies.

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