Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Listen up

I got my first flames so I guess that means I'm a real blogger now?

This is my blog. If you don't like it, don't read it. It really shouldn't have to go any further than that.

I can say whatever the fuck I want, because you see, this is my blog.

I won't always be nice, I won't always have anything interesting to say, but that doesn't matter because it is my blog.

As long as I am protected under the first amendment, I will continue to say what I want. And I will post it here. Because this is my blog.

You can call me names, leave negative comments, basically do anything except threaten me or my family because you are also protected under the first amendment.

However, this is my blog, and I may not respond well to your feedback. But that's alright. Because you don't have to read it.

See that little X in the upper right hand corner of the screen? That will take you away from my blog so that you don't have to read the things that I write.

If I were required to censor myself or put some thought into what I'm posting, I would be getting paid for this. But I'm not. Why? This is a free blog and I am just not that interesting.

When you don't like a television show do you sit there and scream at the actors? No. You change the channel. Oddly, the internet works in a similar fashion. If you don't like what you're reading, there are tons of other pages out there. You can view them all, if you like! It would probably be a better use of your time.

Now, to address some of the comments that were left:

1. Putting a "burden" on my aging parents.

They are thrilled to be able to spend time with their grand-daughter. She's getting to see both sets of grand-parents and her great-grandmas. She's having a blast. And so are they. Yes they have lives, but you see, you can continue to live even with a newborn. "It takes a village to raise a child" Well, they have a village ready to step in if anyone ever needs a break.

2. I am not the only Military Wife.

That is correct. I'm not. And I don't act like I am. In fact, I'm part of a group of Military wives and we meet once a month to discuss important issues. We also do neat things like make blankets for Soldier's Angels and assist with dinner/law care/car maintenance for families that are deployed. If we had more time to get a gameplan together, they probably could have even watched my daughter. We didn't.

3. I'm a stupid bitch.

You are 100% correct. Sorry, I have no rebuttal.

4. You should live on base.

Yeah, we should. The thing is, we couldn't get base housing when we moved out here. By the time a slot opened, we couldn't get out of our lease. Just before the housing market crashed, we planned to buy a house. That fell through and we got stuck in another lease. Living on base wouldn't be as easy as you think, either. You see, my husband works at a base where there is no base housing. It's over an hour away at a different, larger base. So that would solve the rent problem, but it would create several other problems.

5. You sent your daughter away because you want to sleep.

No, we weren't able to find workable childcare for the hours that we needed. Even though I don't have an infant with me twenty four hours a day, I am still not sleeping. Why? Because I wake up thinking that I hear her crying. I lay awake at night wondering if I have screwed my daughter up for life by sending her to her grandparents. And some nights, I just can't sleep.

If our childcare situation had worked out, we would have been fine. We felt that our daughter was not being taken care of and so we had to make adjustments in a timely manner.

6. What if you didn't have your family? What would you have done then?

We would have figured something out.

7. Live in a shithole.

Then we would have to break our lease, which would be counterproductive since it would cost us 5k and we are going to be PCSing soon any way.

8. You should have prepared better.

I agree. The thing is, we weren't trying to get pregnant. Alyssa was an 'oops!'. A very much loved, exciting and wanted oops, but we were not expecting her. We put back a lot of money while I was still pregnant but we ended up having to rely very heavily on our savings when the doctor took me off work at eight and a half months. Sure, I had FMLA but it didn't kick in until she was actually born and only ran for 6 weeks. It was better than nothing, but it turns out that babies are expensive. As a new mom, I had no idea what to expect financially.

9. You will never know what it is like to experience all there is to experience with having a baby.

This is not the first baby that I have raised, but it is the first that is my own. Now, if you are planning to remove my ovaries so that I can't have more kids, I'd really like a heads up. Just so I can take some time off work. You know how it is.

I was with her for the first three and a half months. I loved it. I don't mind getting up at night with a baby. I don't mind the fussing and the crying. In fact, I thought it was a wonderful thing. I never thought that we would have children, then I didn't think that either of us would live through the birth, and here she was. This gorgeous little girl that I got to keep forever. Yes, it did get frustrating and yes I was suffering from post-partum depression. Everyone goes through it.

10. You don't give a baby that young water and only water.

We never gave her straight water. There was one bottle that was 90% water because we didn't have any more formula with us and she wanted to nurse but I was not comfortable doing that in public.

I know some parents that give their babies at least one bottle of water a day and they are just as happy and healthy as the other babies I know.

11. You don't blow in a babies face and then laugh at it when it cries. Many people saw you do this.

Really? There were only a handful of times that I even took my daughter out so if you could please be more specific about the incident, I would greatly appreciate it. P.S. Blowing in a baby's face helps it stop crying. They are surprised by the sudden gust of air and it makes them pause.

12. Oh, like you are the FIRST ONE to ever have a colicy baby who doesn't sleep! Get off your fucking high horse!

I don't own a horse.

If you read my buddy, The Ophelia Entries, you will see that I know all about colicky babies. In fact, we discussed it quite a bit since her little girl was also very colicky. Colic just means that the baby cries for more than three hours a day for more than three days a week for at least three weeks. Usually it is accompanied by abdominal pain and gas. Yes, it is common but not all babies are colicky.

Now that we've handled that, I have disabled anonymous commenting, so if you want to bash me you will have to do so with a name, any name, attached. Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Damn. Some people really don't know when to STFU and die, do they? :/

I'm sorry I don't comment here more. I do read your posts, I just suck at replying. But through all of this, I've never doubted that your decision was an incredibly difficult one that you put a lot of thought into. I know that you made the best choice available, even though "best" didn't mean "ideal." And I know that you love that sweet girl like crazy.

I'm sorry some people don't seem to understand that doing something the "right" way isn't always possible.


7daytrial said...

Thank you!!!!

You know as well as I do that people have trouble containing their rage.


Did you get your Christmas card yet?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Not yet, but I'll keep an eye out for it. <3

sejh said...

I agree with the disabling of anonymous comments....but can you put the people with their own url back on? Some of us like to link our blogs with our comments. The more I read the more I think O by the way. Call and ask her. How many other Military moms were there that ever even saw her with you?

7daytrial said...

I just don't think that O would do that. First, she has no room to talk about people not taking care of their kids. Secondly, her husband isn't an E5. Third, They know just how hard it can be to live on a lower enlisted budget with children.

I'll see what I can do about the URL thing :D

sejh said...

what does e5 mean?

7daytrial said...

It's the rank. In the Air Force, E5 is a Staff Sergent. It's the lowest level of the Non Commissioned Officer tier.

Jon said...


I can't even believe someone would go there. Especially anonymously. WTF.

Crystal said...

I don't think you can even call what you got "flames," as if they came from various people instead of one total weenie. Gah.