Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mother of the Year...

If you have ever had the pleasure of letting me ride shotgun in your car, you've probably seen me freak out by something I deem as an immediate threat. Be it an SUV on a rampage, a bunny hopping across the road, or a shirtless old man jogging down the sidewalk, wrinkly man-boobs flapping in the breeze.

The less threatening the object is, the more I'm able to come up with with an actual word rather than pointing and yelling "BEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" Which is the sound of an SUV about to smash into our car. Yes, I actually yelled "BEEEEEEE!!!!" and we narrowly missed an accident because I couldn't say "Hey, watch out for that SUV. He's running that stop sign."

Well, after a rather frustrating night of babysitting and a rather long ride home, I totally lost my mind. There was a lane closure at the next intersection and you had to kind of weave through construction barrels to get into the left turn lane. Well, someone did a really bad job and knocked one of the barrels over. It was laying in the lane, totally blocking the road.

For the first time, there was actually something hazardous and I was able to form an actual word. It totally did not pertain to the situation, but it's something you might overhear in a conversation.

I pointed at the overturned barrel and yelled "DOUCHE BAG!"

With my infant in the car.

I am soooo glad she can't talk yet.

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