Monday, August 31, 2009

Kickin ass? Check... On to taking names.

Due to a small oversight, I won't be going back to work until Thursday. In the mean time I've been trying to get our apartment back in shape now that Allie will amuse her self in short bursts.

Today, for the first time, I was able to get a shower and brush my teeth in the same hour.

I've been able to do a little decorating, get some things organized and yet, somehow, it doesn't look like I've gotten anything accomplished.

My biggest accomplishment this week was hooking up our new PS3. My Husband openly , admits that I'm better at hooking up electrical equipment than he is, so it's always my job. Well, I was frustrated and grumpy when I hooked it up so of course it didn't work right the first time around. The PS3 worked just fine, but we could no longer watch cable tv. This was fine for a while since we have streaming netflix through the XBOX 360, but it's Monday and I wanted to watch the new episode of True Blood.

With about 10 minutes of magic time I managed to get the cable box, PS3, XBOX 360, and Wii hooked up to the same tv and they are all fully functional. I felt like a freaking genius.

I celebrated by putting Allie on my shoulders and bouncing her around. Pretty soon that turned in to "Mommy is my new pony" and she used my hair as reigns. She was holding on enough to sit up unsupported and we tried to get a picture. I had my hand up just in case, and then she leaned (not fell) back as hard as she could, giggling.

Mommy was not giggling.

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