Friday, June 12, 2009

What the crap, oh no, we are not ready

I go to the doctor twice a week. On Tuesdays I get a NST (no stress test) and they check my glucose log and blood sugar to make sure everything looks good. At that point, I usually get a jug to do a 24 hour urine collection so they can see how much protein is spilling out.

Apparently, a lot.

The doc has decided that I will deliver no later than Monday the 22nd. Most likely I will have my baby on Tuesday. The doctor explained things to me like this:

'There are three levels of badness as far as protein in the urine goes. Green, yellow, and red. Most people walking around have a protein level of under 100. Your's is 575. Right now, you're in yellow moving toward red. If you get to red, we induce immediately since this will start causing permanent, irreversible damage to your kidneys and liver. If it gets bad enough, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Let's get that baby out of you.'

I asked how long I had, since my parents are coming down for the delivery. She told me to call my parents and get them on a flight because if I start having blurred vision, pain, or headaches, they will induce immediately. My parents should hopefully be here tomorrow night.

Right now, I'm packing my bag for the hospital and I could really use some help. So far I have the following:

1 nightgown that can be destroyed
underwear that can be thrown away
facial cleanser
body wash
medicated body powder
1 tennis ball
travel pack of baby care items (lotion, diaper cream, powder, wash, and shampoo)
onesies and a coming home outfit for Alyssa
1 receiving blanket

What else do I need?
What do you wish you had in your bag?
How much of this will I actually use?



The Ophelia Entries said...

I didn't use more than half the stuff I brought with me.

As for the baby care items - shampoos and stuff like that - you won't need it. I dunno where you could even give the baby a bath in the hospital, and the nursery people are really good at keeping them clean.

Bring: YOUR OWN PILLOWS! Especially if you are going to have to have a c-section and you have to stay a few days. The pillows at the hospital are horribly flat and flimsy. Make sure hubby has his own as well. Brian was uncomfortable the whole time.

I really doubt you will have the energy to change into your own nightgown, but it is a personal preference. As soon as you check in you will have to get into their gowns (they give you 2 - one for the front and one for the back, reguardless of your weight/size), and if you had a c-section like I did - you just stay in them. Getting the energy to change clothes is HARD.

I brought a tennis ball and didn't use it. The epidural helped so much I couldn't really feel my contractions, and when I started to feel them it was time for surgery anyways - and I was flat on my back.


If you have a c-section - bring anything you use in the shower. They try to get you up and moving so many hours after surgery due to the fact that it helps you recover when you can get up in move (no matter how much pain you are in - REMEMBER: ask for your meds and walk slow). Even though it is a LOT of trouble to take that first shower - it feels so good and is worth it.

Snacks, snacks, snacks. If you deliver in the middle of the night nothing will be open and you and hubby will be STARVING. Bring plenty of snacks and bottled water. Hubby will provide you with ice chips when they show him where they are located.

Car seat. They won't let you leave the hospital with the baby without a car seat.

Socks and/or flip flops/house shoes. Hopefully you will be up and walking the hospital floors.

Cell phone for questions!

The Ophelia Entries said...


Bring your own maxi pads - the heavy duty kind. I was able to swipe some from the hospital when I left - but not many. You WILL be bleeding when you leave the hospital - c-section or not.

Also: if you have a c-section it is really, really good to keep a maxi pad around your cut area. It helps keep moisture away. I kept a pad in that area until I got my stitches/staples out.

Brian just said a big cup with a handle on it - a "big ass mug". It will help hold all of your ice, and you will be too weak to deal with a cup that you can drop.

Comfy clothes to come home in. You will still look around 5 months preggers or so - the belly will still be there a bit, so plan for that.

2 different outfits for Alyssa - depending on weather.

Hey You said...

Agree with Biffah on most:

except IMO: I was so glad I had my own gowns and robe, and neither got destroyed, but I hear they can. Don't wast time on your own undies, those really are a waste of time.

I wore my jammies home from hospital. A swimsuit for Hubby so he can help you shower with out feeling weird about the nurse in and out.

Your pic will be taken ALOT so I say the energy for make up and hair is well worth it. I could do it less than 24hrs post c-sec.

You will NOT need baby care items at all except for one or two coming home outfits. Packing formula is just asking for BF problems because you will reach for it when you are feeling weak.

Make sure you tell nurse AS SOON as you get there that you want NO formula no matter what unless you have had a LC say it was needed. And Also tell them NO PACI's it will jack with your early supply.

I had a maxi on my incision for days too, and press a pillow against your incision when you have to move, the pressure holds in your guts and makes it so much more comfy. I brought THREE of my own pillow and used every one--two for me, one for hubs. Bring him a blankie too, he will need some comfort.

I packed entertainment stuff and snacks and they never left my bag--WAIT that is a lie. I played Taboo with my whole family while I was on the pitocin drip.

Make sure your coming home outfit is LITTLE. The son was a whopper and his 0-3 outfit was still way to big.

We never used snacks, but he was born at 3:14pm so biffah is right.

cell phone and chargers and batteries/charger for camera

address book to call for hubs.

tons of hairties and CHAPSTICK drugs make your skin feel awful and you will need it.

sleep mask to keep light out of your eyes while trying to sleep, they are never really dark.

cd of music for in labor--mine was all Beatles and it made a HUGE difference.

you can read my birth story if you want, It may have more things I forgot.

I will call sooon to discuss shower.

You are in our prayers (ps I think you could totally find several people that love you enough to give you a kidney. I met you would have so many kidney's you could set up an etsy shop.)

Hey You said...

I forgot! Nursing pads and Lanolin just in case!

The Ophelia Entries said...

Oh! I had to ask for stool softners while I was in the hospital. Make sure you ask if they don't give them to you!

Hey You said...

Hell to the yes on the stool softeners! TAKE THEM. trust us.

7daytrial said...

Oh wow, thank you guys so much! I've got a list of things to take and I really wouldn't have thought of everything. Especially the "big ass mug" That will really come in handy!

Mostly Harmless said...

Good luck. I look forward to seeing cute pictures!