Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ramblings of a housebound mom

We have decided to say no to fast food.

For the last four years, we have relied heavily on fast food since we didn't have the time or energy to cook. Now that I'm a 'housewoman' otherwise known as a stay at home mom, I have time to do a lot of things that I couldn't do before.

Even though I can't guarantee when something will get done, I am able to make sure that I get a few things done. My favorite part of cooking? Leftovers. That is definitely something we don't get through the drive thru and for, like, 4 bucks I can have spaghetti one night, spaghetti sandwiches the next day, and then some left over pasta during the week. It's day two and I think we've already saved twenty dollars.

The biggest perk is, i can plan out our meals so that we don't have to throw away a lot of food when we move.

My husband just got his official orders, so we will be out of here by the 15th of February.


We're finally going to move and will eventually be in a real home again, rather than a two bed, two bath 950sqft storage room. We don't have a whole lot of packing left to do since we have been slowly getting non essential items packed since August. Why August? Well, we were first told that we would move in June, then July, Then September, then December.

In other news, I'm trying to transition Ally to her crib. Up until now, we've been co-sleeping. I want my be back. I want to be able to roll over and not worry that I'm going to crush someone too small to push me off. Okay, there's another reason. Ally fell off the bed. We were sleeping, then she woke up and crawled right off the edge. Fortunately, she landed on pillows and was fine, but still... it was terrifying.

It took about forty minutes of crying and me checking on her, but it sounds like she may have finally gone to sleep.

They say that tomorrow will be worse.

Fun, fun, fun!


sejh said...

My child has fallen off beds so many times I have stopped counting. I firmly fall in the let 'em try something (as long as it won't kill 'em) and they will learn not to do that anymore. That is why he has had a chopstick full of wasabi before.

Co-sleeping has it's pros and cons, and I have zero advice because my almost 3 1/2 yr old still spends half the night in our bed every night.

Congrats on the move! Also? Spaghetti sandwiches? Ick!

(can you make so people with their own url who hate to use their Google identity can post?)

7daytrial said...

Spaghetti sandwiches rock!

I wasn't able to have it allow comments with anything other than open ID, so I turned on comment moderation and will not allow any comments to be posted unless they are 'signed'.

Hope that helps!