Saturday, October 11, 2008

Frustration rhymes with...

So, our router is dead (which is why the promised update has not happened) and I'm going to try and fix it sometime tomorrow.

Lately, it seems that I keep encouraging time sucking projects/games/things even though I don't have half as much free time as I'd like. My Husband bought a Wii after getting to try one out back home, and we've all had fun bowling, golfing, and playing tennis when we should be sleeping.

The Roommate, O, and I are trying to get some handmade goods available for purchase for the holidays. We already have a few custom orders (that are getting amazing prices... ) from my co-workers. I have to finish one project asap because it is for a newborn baby. It's going to be a really cute baby blue blanket (hopefully) trimmed with blue, white, or yellow (whichever looks best) binding.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Renaissance Fair with O... My Husband might be wearing a kilt soon!

Time to get back to work so that I can leave early. I hope everyone is doing well!

Oh, one more thing-- If you were going to buy a handmade good, what would you be likely to purchase?

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