Sunday, September 20, 2009


Lately, it seems like I'm stuck at the mouth of a cornucopia, getting smashed in the face by whatever hellish fiend flies out next.

I really don't want to whine, but it seems like a year's (or three...) worth of excitement has bounded ever so happily into our quiet little home. It started with the baby. Well, the pregnancy, actually. I discovered I was pregnant, went insane, lost our roommate, had 2 root canals, discovered I might have cancer, got gestational diabetes, hypertension, and pre-e... then had an emergency c-section where we both almost died.

Following that, I had the fastest c-section recovery the hospital had ever seen.

Then I discovered I was allergic to Percoset, stopped breathing, discovered that I had to care for this little lovey without much assistance, and tried to balance our budget for me to stay home.

Then my company was acquired by a rival. Part of the deal is that the rival has to buy the employees too. That means that we all get bonuses.... on the condition that you are an employee in good standing come December. At that point, you get half of 40% of your earnings from July 2008-July 2009. The second half will be delivered December of 2010.

This was all fine and dandy because my husband was supposed to be getting transferred in October so it didn't really apply to me.

Then our plans got canceled... the day I was going to resign.

Back to work I go.

Oh, no! Childcare!

"I'll watch her! I'll do it cheap! I don't have a job so anything you pay me will be fine."

"Oh, sorry, I don't want to watch your daughter anymore because you aren't paying me enough and here's a list of dates that I'm unavailable. I know there are days every week but I'm sorry. You know what? I'm going to sleep and let my abusive husband watch your daughter all by himself. Now I'm sick. You still haven't paid me. By the way, I'm not available Halloween. I'm taking the kids trick or treating. I'm sorry that you have to work and have no one else to watch her but them's the breaks. Yes I realize that if I had told you I didn't want to keep your daughter just a few days sooner you could have hired a nanny but I really didn't take your feelings or plans into consideration because I resent the fact that you get to work and have a life outside of your kids."

It's time for Alyssa to start teething! And get a wicked diaper rash from her lack of care.

Oh wait, I made a horrible miscalculation, we would be on the streets if I weren't at work. Theres no way we can send her to daycare.

Oh what? Cancer. Shit, I forgot. Okay, do your test.... s0mething's wrong? Do another one, I'll wait patiently for the results.

It's my fault you didn't put the right address on your order? I'm letting some flake keep my daughter for half my pay and I have to put up with this shit? Lets re-evaluate the budget.

Shit. There really isn't enough money to go around.. Oh well, we're getting transferred in January, it'll all be over soon.

What, that may not happen? Oh well, our lease isn't up til January anyway.

November, you say?

Should we move and possibly save money, only to maybe get transferred in January or stay where we are, in a complex we hate, paying way too much?

Too bad I haven't been able to have a real conversation with my husband in a week. We might be able to come up with a plan if I didn't have to go to sleep before he even leaves work.

Can someone please stop the ride? I need a break!!!!!


Crystal said...

OMG. I'm overwhelmed, and I'm not even you! If you move, will that make it so you can afford a good daycare and last the next 2 months at work?

7daytrial said...

We figured it up and moving would save money but not enough to really be worth it.

Even daycare isn't an option now due to several more cases of H1N1. We weighed the pros and cons and decided that a healthy baby is far more important so we are probably going to send her to my parents for at least a little while.

We have enough support there that we won't have to think about daycare and she will be cared for by people that know and love her. Then I can put my paychecks directly into our savings account so that even if I can't last a few months, we can still afford for me to stay home.

I get paid well, just not well enough for the hours that she would need care since neither of us work 9-5 monday through friday. Off hours care is EXPENSIVE!!! I am SO in the wrong business. :D