Friday, April 10, 2009

This may break all my rules of anonymity...

People truly can bitch about anything. Lately, there have been lots of people protesting outside My Husband's base. Are they protesting the war? No. Decisions made by the president? Nuh uh. Poor quality health care for the enlisted? Nope.

They're protesting the Predator. If you don't care to read the link, basically it's a small, unmanned, remote controlled, plane that assists in the war effort while the pilot remains here.

The protesters say that it dehumanizes war and leads to greater casualties.

Kay.... My Husband gets to come home every night.

They must have no idea how many soldier's lives have been saved thanks to the UAV program.

The different branches of the military all make fun of each other and everyone talks shit about the Air Force. They say that they are lazy and spoiled because they mostly don't have to do all of the grunt work that other branches get stuck with. It's totally not true, but whatever, we make fun of the Army and the Marines, so they can say whatever they want.

Every single military person I talk to always wants me to thank My Husband for the job that he's doing. They all personally know someone that wouldn't be here if it weren't for the UAV.

UAV's help us keep our troops out of places that would be incredibly dangerous on the ground. They don't eat, they don't sleep, so we always know that they are on target.

Yes, it does seem a little cowardly to use a small plane to kill people halfway around the world, but I would much rather someone call My Husband a coward than call him a hero on his tombstone.

Anyone that thinks we need to "down the drone to bring our troops home" needs to form a single file line at the recruiter's office and volunteer to fight the war up close and personal. Stop trying to kill My Husband when you are too chicken shit to take his place.

1 comment:

Hey You said...

ugg. Give him a hug from the huckablogs. We support him and the rest of our soldiers 100%. Ignore the protesters, just know that they are wrong and hold your head high in pride for your hubby.