Friday, February 6, 2009

Clean, clean, clean

I guess I've started nesting or I got a touch of spring fever because last weekend all I wanted to do was clean. I went through drawers and cabinets clearing things out and throwing things away, which is quite unlike me. I am a terrible packrat and I'm always afraid to get rid of anything. I just know as soon as I toss out that old left boot, I'll find the right one somewhere I would have never thought to look.

Yes, I really need those 8 broken dvd players, they could save my life! "Honey, where's the screwdriver?" "See that pile of laundry? Turn left, go 5 steps and open the top right drawer. It's in the very back underneath the three sets of earbuds that don't work."

I had to clean out our dining room because the pile was overtaking the living room. Right now, since we don't have a dining table, we mostly use that for storage and for our extra computer. One of our computers is on the "technology ledge" right between the guest bathroom and Our Roommate's room. We don't use this one but I can't think of anywhere else for it to go. The other is a semi-functional laptop in our living room. The screen went out last year, so we just bought a monitor to hook it up to. This totally defeats the purpose of having a laptop. The "good" computer is hidden behind a wall of stuff in our dining room. It has it's own little desk that is slowly becoming covered with all of the decor that won't fit anywhere else.

Right next to the good computer, we have a wonderful, well-stocked bar. It has a nice hutch with glass doors and a large storage area on the bottom. In the name of extra storage, I cleaned out the bottom of the bar. This is where I am currently storing baby stuff, as well as things that just don't fit anywhere else.

It was a sight to see, I assure you. The space I had to sit in was far more narrow than my hips, so I had to sit sideways. Everytime I needed something, I had to call for someone to bring it to me-- I was stuck. The only option was to clean my way out.

While I was in there, I found a bag of autumn decorations that I forgot to use. Someday they will make their way to my Halloween box, but for now they are quietly guarding our computer, tucked between the extra coffee table and a tote full of game boxes-- exactly where it belongs.


Jon said...

You're totally an excellent cleaner. Ever thought about cleaning houses professionally?

7daytrial said...

I have thought about it. In fact, I remember when we were "going to" open a cleaning business.

Then again, I think I need to get our house into shape before I try and take on someone elses mess!