Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posting. Rather than doing NaBloPoMo, I'm doing NaNoWriMo! I'm currently at 12,000 words. Only 38,000 to go!

there has been a bit of drama in the air lately, some of it about my NaNo story. Alyssa is in AR with her grandparents. I've been missing a bit of work due to my emotional state. Last night I got more sleep than I've had in the last two weeks combined, I could go right back to bed and sleep that long again.

Father in law called yelling at me yesterday. I screamed at him. It was lovely. I have never spoken so forcefully to my husbands family but he had no right to yell at me. Especially since I was supposed to be at work then anyway.

Then I called my mom and learned some interesting things about what my in laws have been subjecting my baby to.

I don't know that they will be caring for her in the future. I may just go and get her. I'm so mad I could spit nails.

We are officially moving. More info once I'm in the 'safety zone'.

One of my only friends in Las Vegas forced me to buy an ipod touch (she even paid for part of it... how awesome is that?!) and I've been spending waaaayyy too much time with the silly aps.

Then again, after we worked, like, a 17 hour shift, I think I deserve a little mindless fun.

Oh yeah, we had hella overtime at work.

It was a little awesome.

this just in: working for a living sucks.

I will post a more thorough update soon, but for now, I need to write like the wind!


Crystal said...

What the heck are they doing to your baby?!

7daytrial said...

My mother in law works at a doctors clinic and I asked her to make sure she didn't take the baby in.

She took her "to the office" and "passed her around".

We gave very specific instructions about her diet (You know... formula and what type of formula and nothing but formula)

They have not been sticking to it and get very, very defensive when we ask them how much/how often she is eating.

I've had his parents yell at me more in the last few weeks than in the last 4 years of our marriage, and that's saying something!

They have blatantly lied when I've questioned them about different things so I tend to get insanely upset when I find out the truth.

When his father started yelling that it was none of my business how much she was eating, I lost it and I can neither confirm nor deny calling him a selfish, egotistical bastard.

The biggest thing is, because they're lying, we don't know how to undo what they've done... especially since I'm not there. It has taken two weeks for my mom to get my daughters stomach back to normal. She was to the point that she wouldn't even eat an ounce at a time because her stomach hurt so bad...

That's when I went crazy.