Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis the Season...

Normally, I'm not one to do product placement or endorse a company that I've never used. This is going to be the exception to that rule because they have done a wonderful job of bribing me with free holiday cards!

Shutterfly is doing a promotion where they are offering 50 free photo cards to bloggers in exchange for a short post, spreading the word.

I've never actually ordered from Shutterfly. In the past, I've always used but recently I'm not really happy with ArtsCow and I've been looking for a new photo gift center. Shutterfly was recommended by several people that I've heard of before so I decided to take a look at some of the holiday card templates that they have to offer.

Holy crapballs, Batman. These are so cute!

Their holiday cards are absolutely adorable and if you are looking for an inexpensive way to personalize your greetings this is a great option.

They also do photo calendars, photo canvas, and thank you cards. I may have found my new photo gift website.

Now, spread the word to all of your blogging friends so that they can share in the awesomeness. Generosity should never go to waste!

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