Thursday, May 28, 2009

I am crazy and pregnant. Do NOT screw with me.

The least you need to know: I pulled a knife on a woman that took a swing at me in the parking lot.

The rest of the story: There I was, driving to work like normal. I was in the far left lane and was moving over to the middle lane, that way I had plenty of time to get into the far right lane and get off at the appropriate exit. There was at least 800 feet between where my vehicle was and the nearest car in the middle lane, so I put on my turn signal and waited 5 seconds before moving over (giving them ample time to know that I was indeed changing lanes)

The bitch sped up.

Not just a little, but enough to almost rear-end me.

Then she honked at me, flipped me off, and made lots of rude gestures.

I was a little pissed since I was following the correct lane changing procedure and she was just being insane, but I let it go.

A little while later, once I moved over to the far right lane, I realized she was following me. Actually, not just following me-- chasing me.

Once I got off at my exit, I pulled into the parking lot of a grocery store so that she wouldn't follow me to work. (That's the last thing I need at work right now... seriously. There was a very important tour and yelling at someone in the parking lot is grounds for termination.)

When we were parked next to each other, we both rolled down our windows and were yelling. She was screaming about what a horrible driver I am and I was screaming just as loud about traffic laws. She called me some very horrible things and then jumped out of her car, screaming "I'm going to kick your ass, you fucking cunt."

So, I hopped out of my car with my knife in my hand.

We were still yelling and then she ran up to me and started swinging.

I flicked open my knife and very nearly stabbed her.

Once she saw my incredibly pregnant stomach and the knife that was coming toward her face, she jumped back and put her hands up "Whoa, let's talk about this! You're right, I did speed up. I didn't want you to get in front of me because I was in a hurry." Then she started apologizing and got back in her car.

I was still yelling and trying to go after her.

She pulled away just as a cop pulled up.

Fortunately, he saw her swing at me and understood that I pulled the knife out to protect myself. He asked me to put the knife down and calmly explained that if I didn't calm down he would have to cuff me and take me in since I would be considered a danger to myself or others.

Then he spent the next 10 minutes trying to talk me into pressing charges. He sent an officer after the other lady, just in case. I let him know that since she didn't actually hit me, it wasn't a problem and that I was just very upset because she had chased me through traffic and then tried to hit me.

After a little while, once I was calm, he let me go and said that they were probably going to arrest her anyway.

Then I got to work. Apparently, I looked like a crazy lady that had just been in a fight, so I had to tell my co-workers what happened.

The tale started with "I almost went to jail this morning."

It's an awesome story.


Ang said...

That's scary. There was an overnight stabbing here in Omaha that came about because of road rage. You were lucky she calmed down and that officer showed up.

7daytrial said...

I know! I keep thinking about what might have happened if she hadn't backed off.

It makes a good story, but the "what if" thoughts are a little terrifying.

I'm starting to think that my 'fight or flight' instinct might be a little lacking in the 'flight' department.

Hey You said...

WTF. Seriously WTF!! What if she had of SHOT YOU. AND ALISSA? IF it happens again (dear god please don't let me piss off 7day trial EVER) drive to a fire station or police station where you will be safe. Also, you are pretty and smell good please do not ever get mad at me.

7daytrial said...

That's the thing about hindsight...

I seriously was not thinking clearly. Now I'm thinking about all of the horrible things that could have happened, but at the moment, my only concern was protecting myself and Alyssa.

It's not easy to make me mad (Just ask JHJ! Then again, he knows exactly what buttons to push...) but once you threaten me, there's just a part of my brain that takes over.

It's a reflex I got from a time when I literally had to fight for my life. It's gotten me out of a lot of bad situations, but it also seriously injured My Husband once (ask JHJ for the story.. it's a good one)

Flattery will get you everywhere, so never fear! Unless you try to hurt me, I will never, ever, ever attack you. Since you're a much loved part of my adopted, extended family, I really don't see that happening.

Hey You said...

I was mostly kidding about not making you mad. ;) And I think the story about your hubby would make a good....I don't know...BLOG POST?!

7daytrial said...

It would make a wonderful blog post, but I'm pretty sure it is only interesting to a select few people ;)