Monday, July 21, 2008

another day without a post.

I hope this doesn't become a habit....

This more of an accomplishment than a skill, but it took learning some new skills to do it.... so it counts! Right?

In January, My Husband and I made New Year's Resolutions for each other. I wanted him to become a better shopper (checking for grocery sales, price comparison, shop around before you make a major purchase, things like that.)

He wanted me to get back down to the weight I was when I first moved in with him.

A) That is so rude!

B) It's impossible for that to safely happen in 1 year.

C) That really killed my self esteem considering it was shortly after another major event. Since this is trying to remain anonymous, I may go into it some time...

So, I don't know that mental image you have of me (for those of you who don't know me personally).... I'm not a tiny person, but it is mostly muscle. (No, really. My bicep is way bigger than My Husband's and my thighs are like concrete. I did a lot of strength training when I was younger.) I was about 110 lbs lighter (than when I started exercising in January) when I moved in with My Husband.

I started to go into detail about the entire gaining and losing process, but it got too complicated so I'll just say that I am now the lightest I have been in over a year by paying attention to what I'm eating and exercising on a regular basis.

I am still way off from hitting the goal My Husband set, but I'm pretty happy with the way things are going.


charlotte said...

Hey You and I are talking about trying Weight Watchers here. Good luck!

7daytrial said...

We have a weight watchers group at Work, and if we sign up Work will pay for half. Once we get a little more settled financially, I think I'm going to sign up and see how it works.