Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sometimes I go outdoors.

Momma? I think I ate some dirt.
I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes we leave the house. Today, in fact, we went for a 2 mile hike with our pretty little lady.

This is the longest hike we've gone on together, and Alyssa's second hike ever.

She got to ride in the hiking backpack since it was way too far for her to walk, and she seemed to have a really good time.

On the way back to the car, she even fell asleep in the hiking backpack-- she was sooooo tired!

Since I was finally able to find the charger for our camera, I took some pictures and thought I would share. Enjoy!


This is a drain that ran under the old railroad.

Would you like to eat some dirt too?

HEY! What's that?!?

Wilderness Stairway

Best. View. Evar.

Can I have some more dirt?

Monday, November 15, 2010

I can haz non-toxic bags?

It seems like China is always in the news for some recall or or lead filled toy of doom.  From toothpaste, to baby formula, to bibs, toys, dog food, furniture, drywall, shoes, clothes, and now even our reusable grocery bags, it becomes hard for me to ignore the health threats that keep working their way into our homes.

I may be highly opinionated, but I do my best to keep my mouth shut when it comes to international relations. Mostly because I don't want my blog popping up on some watch list, keeping me from boarding an airplane or crossing state lines, but also because some people that read this may not personally know me or understand the humor that I try to impart.

With that being said, I'm about to be as serious as I have ever been.

Buy local. Buy handmade. Stop buying goods that are made in China.

"But I can get Chinese goods for a fraction of the cost!"

That's because they are so full of poison that even China won't use them.

Now, if it were just one or two things every now and then, I'm sure we could all look past it and chock it up to accidental contamination. Everyone is allowed a mistake or two and I don't think one instance of lead in baby spoons or one case of contaminated paint could really be held against the single biggest exporter of rubber bands shaped like sea creatures.

This is bigger than that.

Bigger than Antione Dodson.

Bigger than... well... China.

This is about self preservation.

Now, if consumers band together we can convince manufacturers to enstill more strict regulations and testing, bring jobs back to the US, and keep prices reasonable.

They won't listen to calls, letters, or even protests. The only language they speak is money. Money that a lot of us don't have right now. The plus side of the recession is that we are more choosy about where we spend our money.... the downside? Chinese goods are cheap.

I've already been avoiding Chinese made goods as much as possible and I urge others to do the same. I know we can't completely avoid them (unless you're the type that makes everything yourself. EVERYTHING.) but even cutting back a little may help make an impact.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This is as domestic as I get

After writing a paper, finishing up some assignments, and various other tasks of a stay at home mom/college student/Avon Lady, I was lazy when it came to dinner.

 Fortunately, I found salvation in my freezer.



(I do not own these images. They are for humorous reference only.)

Thankfully, no one seemed to mind the corn dogs and tater tots I plopped onto their plate (Ally seemed to thoroughly enjoy it) because I was unwilling to go get fast food and there were only so many dinner options. 

Now if only there were a shortcut for dishes....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The hits just keep on coming.

So, my husband had knee surgery last week, all three of us have whatever bug is in fashion this season (Respiratory crap, thank goodness. Last time we got the tummy bug... not fun.) and our computers keep glitching out in the middle of our assignents.

If life were simple and easy, I would have never developed a sense of humor. As it is, my husband, myself, and even our little critter are all shaping up to be world famous comedians.

Since we've all been stuck in the house together, I have heard more laughter.

Alyssa's new favorite word is "chihuahua". I don't think she knows what a chihuahua is, but it makes me laugh every time she says it. She blows kisses to people at inappropriate times (like when the doctor was asking my husband about his symptoms... she's such a flirt!) and refuses to wear her clothing correctly.

My husband has been medicated, which always adds to the hilarity, and I have been feeling rather yucky so just about anything will make me laugh.

If someone walked into our house they would probably assume that there was a gas leak or we'd been pumping laughing gas through the heater and we would all be committed. So heed my words, STAY AWAY!

We want to keep our germs and our insanity to ourselves. Though once we are well, I will be glad to share some fresh baked cookies.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I wish I could go back to college...

Oh, wait. I did.

In what I consider to be one of the least informed decisions of my entire life, I chose to go back to college.

I, literally, took five minutes to make the decision and classes started a week later.

Classes started yesterday, in fact.

I'm already ahead of the class. By two weeks.

If I had done online courses in the first place, I would have received my degree ages ago and not racked up so much pointless debt.

What. The. Fuck.

My biggest hurdle in my previous college experience was actually going to class. Once I drove to the school I had to find a place to park. Once I parked, I had to walk a friggin long way to get to class. Once I was in class, I had to think about how to quickly get to my next class.

I might also point out that I did not have a parking permit, which added a level of danger to the daily parking dillema. "Oooh, there's a close spot. Oh, it's in permit parking... What are the chances they'll tow my car?"

I ended up with a crapload of parking tickets.

I only had to pay one or two.

After tuition, books, etc., there just wasn't enough money left over to buy a parking permit. I don't like to break the rules, but sometimes you just have to.

Hell, my third semester I couldn't even afford books! (ask me how well that went. Go on. I dare you.)

This time, I don't have to get dressed, I don't have to drive anywhere, and my books are paid for thanks to the military.

And thus, I have almost completed the course on the second day of class.

My husband is also taking online classes at the moment (study buddy!) and he's currently in the class I'll be taking next. No, I'm not going to steal his papers and assignments. I'm going to go ahead and get the next course's work out of the way once I finish this one.

I start that course the day after my current course ends.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rant to the Universe

Dear Universe,

Why do 1x1 fabric storage cubes cost so friggin much? It is a collapsable 1 foot cube of fabric and I should not have to pay more for said cube than for a new dvd. I get why dvd's are expensive. They have to pay actors, studios, fees, cover their own costs and try to make a profit. You are a cube. A fabric cube. Not even a handmade fabric cube. They can probably make about 50 of you in under a minute. There is no reason that you should be so expensive.

Hoping you are well, 7daytrial.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm Back!

Hey, Wow, Guess what? I've neglected my blog for so long that I probably don't have any readers anymore.

But that's okay. It's not about comments, it's about expression. Right?

So anyway, since April I have 1) Gone 'home' for 2 months, 2) found out that we will probably be moving just after Christmas, 3) torn a muscle in my back leaving me in the hospital two days before my daughter's 1st birthday (fitting, no?) and generally done awesome things with awesome people.

Presently, my daughter has an ear infection, my husband just had knee surgery, I am sick, and we're all cooped up in a very messy house (My standing rule is, if I have a fever I don't clean. It just isn't fair to be sick and do housework.)

Interestingly enough, I couldn't really get out of the house even if I wanted to since... Well, my husband and I accidentally threw my wallet away last week. In said wallet was my debit card, military id, $140 cash and a very special pin of my Mammaw's (who passed in February)

Currently, that wallet has been crushed into oblivion and buried under 5 inches of dirt at the Mesilla Valley Disposal landfill in Las Cruces, NM.

Very. Expensive. Mistake.

But we are moving on.

My husband and I are starting college again, I'm still running my Avon business, and Alyssa is just as active as ever.

If you are still reading, say hey and let me know. I promise I won't wait another 6 months to respond.