Saturday, March 13, 2010

Helena: The continuing story

Shortly after we got the call, we were in El Paso waiting for our flight to board.

We waited.. and waited... and discovered that the plane was delayed. They kept pushing the flight back so much that we were going to miss our connection, so we called the airline to see what they could do (Seriously. the lady we talked to in person was no help. At all.)

After a few calls, we started to get angry and some other people got involved. We made it very clear that if we were going on vacation it would be one thing, but that if we didn't get home that day, we would miss my Mammaw's funeral. That was not an option for me. I had already decided that I was going to rent a car and drive it if I had to.

Through all of the crap, the airline was zero help and one rep told me to "Suck it."
Yeah, that's a direct quote. Markeesha, if we ever meet, you will regret saying that.

We finally boarded our flight and were told that we would be able to make it to our connection. We ran.

I was holding Ally, running as fast as I could while my husband grabbed the stroller and chased after us. He caught up with me (Hey, I'm fat. Give me a break) and we traded off since he can run faster. Like I said... worst case scenario, I was going to drive.

Anyway, barreling through the airport, I straight up knocked one kid down (I really did ask him to move first... I swear! He just looked at me like 'What are you going to do about it?' and I didn't have time to swerve because there were babies... He was at least 10. I knew he could handle it.) and hit another one with the stroller (Unless he was deaf, he had plenty of time to move. If he was.... I'm very sorry and I did scream an apology as I kept running.)

We got to the gate.

They closed the door as we walked up.

"I know you're ready to leave but that's our flight!"

"Sorry, the plane has already pulled away."

"Umm... no it hasn't. It's right there. There are still people waiting to board!"

"Sorry. We can't open the door. You should have been on time."

"OUR FLIGHT WAS LATE AND WE NOTIFIED YOU 5 HOURS IN ADVANCE!" (yeah, we had quite a layover..)

"The plane has already pulled away from the gate."

"I can see it. right there. *points* There are at least 7 people that are still waiting to board!"

"I'm sorry. Goodnight."

So I went to another agent. We had previously been told that there were no more flights to our desired city. I asked her if they could send us to another airport that might have a flight that could get us there in time.

She said no.

I collapsed on her podium, out of breath and bawling my eyes out.

She rolled her eyes "There's no need to cry. It isn't that serious."

"I know you deal with this every day, but this is very new to me. I'm trying to make it to my Grandmother's funeral in the morning."

"There's a flight that will get there around midnight. Do you want it?"

"Of course I do. Does it have 2 seats available?"

"... *sigh* yeah."

"Wait. What? I was told over 5 hours ago that this was the last flight to -town-. And that there were no other options. And that I was going to miss my Grandmother's funeral and to "Suck it"."

"You're on the flight, have a great day." *turns around to talk to her co-worker*

*turns around with tickets, crazy eyes aglow, muttering* "I will burn this mother down."

At that point I was tired, sweaty, headachey, hungry and mad.

We finally got on a plane and landed. Even our luggage made it.

Helena would have handled that situation very differently. When she first learned that there was going to be a problem, she would have gotten a refund for her tickets and just driven. Thus, eliminating 90% of her frustration that day.

Helena also would never say "I will burn this mother down" in an airport.

Just for safety.

Oh... and my husband and I made repeated jokes about how I was probably going to end up in jail before it was all over. You got the 'lite, condensed, somewhat readable' version...

Anyway.. We are finally home and we do the funeral, then we go to my in-laws house for 2 and a half days. Why? Because they wanted to see us. We figured "Hell, we're going to be here for a week, what does it matter?" It went great and then we went back to my parent's house.

I was able to help mom a little, hang out with some of my friends, and have a pretty good time considering the circumstances.

Then, we went to Burger King.

To be continued....