Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oh dear...

Wow, it has been quite some time since I was actually able to update. For the longest time, our router was "not working" because My Husband forgot how to use a computer... for all intents and purposes, we shall assume that he was abducted by aliens.

He offered to have K, one of our neighbors, come take a look at it. "NO!!! He is NOT going anywhere NEAR our computer... even if it is broken!".

After that, it was totally up to me to save the world. I had no clue what My Husband had done, or how to undo it, but under the watchful eyes of Our Roommate and O, I managed to get it fixed.

We found a (nearly) foolproof way to ensure that we never loose our network password again... just don't look at the bottom of our router.

After fixing our life force, I started working on a baby blanket for a woman that I work with. Her son's girlfriend had a baby, and she wanted to get something nice for them. I hope my blanket will suffice.

A week later I got frustrated with the blanket (it will never end...) and turned my attention to our neighbors, K and O. O was talking about how she wanted to redo their living room and took me over to get my opinion.

I walked into her living room and immediately asked why there was a mattress in the floor. She said that K had been sleeping on it, and that she wanted to put it in her son's room. She was afraid that they would jump on the mattress and wanted to wait until she had a bed frame.

We went to Home Depot.

There is nothing more dangerous than two girls and two kids at Home Depot. Especially when we realize that we are going to have to get large pieces of wood home somehow.

After a little bit of work from all of us, we got the bed frame built. Then we had to get it into the boys room... It was after midnight, and no one thought to measure the door ways to make sure that the bed frame would fit.

It did... barely. Once we got the bed frame where it belonged, we put the mattress on top of it.

At that point, I realized that I based my measurements on how high the bed should be, including the mattress... What we wound up with was a bed that was 2ft high, plus mattress.

This bed would be wonderful as a princess bed, or a fort... or even a small set of bunk beds... but I am not sure that the neighbors are happy.

Oh well, maybe I can make it up to them soon.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Frustration rhymes with...

So, our router is dead (which is why the promised update has not happened) and I'm going to try and fix it sometime tomorrow.

Lately, it seems that I keep encouraging time sucking projects/games/things even though I don't have half as much free time as I'd like. My Husband bought a Wii after getting to try one out back home, and we've all had fun bowling, golfing, and playing tennis when we should be sleeping.

The Roommate, O, and I are trying to get some handmade goods available for purchase for the holidays. We already have a few custom orders (that are getting amazing prices... ) from my co-workers. I have to finish one project asap because it is for a newborn baby. It's going to be a really cute baby blue blanket (hopefully) trimmed with blue, white, or yellow (whichever looks best) binding.

Tomorrow I'm going to the Renaissance Fair with O... My Husband might be wearing a kilt soon!

Time to get back to work so that I can leave early. I hope everyone is doing well!

Oh, one more thing-- If you were going to buy a handmade good, what would you be likely to purchase?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Back to the grind

We got back from our trip Monday night and The Roommate was waiting for us near baggage claim. He brought us home and we chatted for a little bit before he had to go to bed. Overall, the trip was awesome. We got my Mammaw (Mammaw is southern for Grandma...) to play Wii bowling, which was a lot of fun.

We got to make these really awesome candle sticks in my dad's shopped (he helped a little). Dad showed us how to draw out the metal, bend it the way we wanted, taper the ends, and weld things. I think I had more fun doing it than My Husband did, but we have a fantastic hand made souvenir.

Two separate candelsticks...

Join forces to become Amazing Candlestick of Awesome!

We used a brass finish to make it all fancy, which looks better in person than it does in the picture.

There will be a more thorough post later on, but it's late and I have to work tomorrow!

On a side note, I'm going to try making and selling scarves before Christmas to earn a little extra cash.... anybody need a scarf? I'll give you a great deal!